We are dedicated to your admission to a Canadian law school. We have contacts in every English speaking law school in Canada. Go to our “Law School Scores” page to see the entrance requirements in law schools across Canada. We will work with you hand in glove during your application to law school. It is important to keep in mind that there are approximately 10,000 students in Canada every year who write the LSAT exam in the hopes of receiving an offer of admission for one of the 2,500 places available in first year Canadian law schools. Our primary goal is to ensure that you are one of those 2,500 students.
In the event you are not however, your pursuit of admission to law school is far from over. We will refocus our efforts in ensuring your admission to a top tier commonwealth law school. Once admitted, you will undertake two years of study for your law degree abroad and then return to Canada for your third year. After completion of this final year, you will be eligible to undertake the bar admission course in the province of your choosing with exactly the same standing as a student with a Canadian law degree. The latest data in Ontario over the past five years shows that 25% of lawyers admitted to the bar have international law degrees.
*You are required to register and pay for either our online LSAT course or a minimum 20-hour tutoring package. You will need to meet the eligibility criteria for Canadian admission set by the international law schools to which you choose to apply, so as to be offered a placement. This Guarantee is NOT time-limited.
We are so confident that you will want to continue with our exceptional online LSAT course that if you wish to withdraw in your first week for any reason, we will refund your tuition.
Starting with the August 2024 LSAT, the Law School Admission Council (LSAC – the official LSAT test makers) have announced that they will be dropping the Analytical Reasoning section (Logic Games) from the LSAT. From August 2024 forward, the LSAT will consist of two scored Logical Reasoning (LR) sections, one scored Reading Comprehension (RC) section, plus one unscored section of either LR or RC that enables LSAC to pilot items for future tests. You can learn more about the August 2024 test at the following website.
Before August 2024, the test will have three scored sections — one section each of Reading Comprehension, Analytical Reasoning, and Logical Reasoning — and there will be a fourth, unscored variable section that will allow LSAC to validate new test questions for future use and ensure that they are free from any form of bias.
With the addition of this fourth, unscored section, the LSAT will include a 10-minute intermission between the second and third sections. During the intermission, you can leave your testing area to have a snack or use the restroom. You will need to check in with your proctor before you can resume testing. Please note: If you do not check in before the intermission is over, your test session will be terminated, and you will need to register for a new LSAT administration. You will not receive a refund.
LSAC is making no changes to its policies and procedures for registering and checking in for the LSAT test. You will still need to register by the deadline associated with each administration. Test dates and registration deadlines can be found at www.lsac.org/lsat/lsat-dates-deadlines-score-release-dates. You will also need to upload your passport photo by a designated date and download your admission ticket prior to going to the test site. See www.lsac.org/lsat/taking-lsat for all requirements
The Logical Reasoning section usually contains twenty-five questions. Success for Logical Reasoning requires a combination of reading and reasoning ability. The LSAT’s Logical Reasoning questions are designed to evaluate your ability to examine, analyze, and critically evaluate arguments as they occur in ordinary language. These questions are based on short arguments drawn from a wide variety of sources, including newspapers, general interest magazines, scholarly publications, advertisements, and informal discourse. These arguments mirror legal reasoning in the types of arguments presented and in their complexity, though few of the arguments actually have law as a subject matter.
The purpose of LSAT Reading Comprehension questions is to measure the ability to read, with understanding and insight, examples of lengthy and complex materials similar to those commonly encountered in law school. The Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT contains four sets of reading questions, each set consisting of a selection of reading material followed by five to eight questions. The reading selection in three of the four sets consists of a single reading passage; the other set contains two related shorter passages.
The skills we will be teaching you in our course will determine how well you do on test day. Be prepared for a significant amount of work. Keep in mind however that success on the LSAT is not achieved by learning clever tricks. You will need to study for months, and you can expect that cramming over a short period of time will not result in the score you are seeking. We promise to teach you how to find the correct conclusion to a question in an argument, to identify what’s wrong with reasoning provided in a scenario and to be able to draw diagrams in order to understand the ordering of rules.
The LSAT is scored using a simple system that calculates the questions you got right, giving your raw score and compares this with how others have done on the same exam. How you do as compared to others taking the test will provide your overall score between 120 and 180. Here is a sample chart (for illustration only) showing how your score and percentile (your ranking) could be calculated. Your actual score calculation will depend on the percentile rankings for your cohort.
It is essential for your success to understand the exam format as this will prepare you for what to expect on test day. We will ensure this becomes second nature for you. It is also important to understand that doing well on the LSAT is not the same as how well you did in your primary and secondary school education. You have been taught (and rewarded) in school by memorizing as many facts as possible and repeating them back on tests. As such, you have become ingrained with the knowledge that the more you knew, the better you would do. This is not how to prepare to do well on the LSAT. To succeed on the LSAT, it is always quality rather than quantity of learning that wins the day. We will teach you how to think rather than memorize what facts you think you need to know.
Your GPA calculation depends on the school to which you apply. For Ontario Law Schools you may find a GPA calculator at the following OSLAS – GPA Calculator Website. This website will provide you with an up-to-date Conversion Table that takes into account the Institution Scale of the University from which you received your degree.
Upper Canada LSAT Prep is the registered tradename of 13513611 Canada Inc. (Upper Canada Institute of Education)
“LSAT®” and “LSAT Prep®” are registered trademarks belonging to LSAC.| HST 766356703RT0001
by BrandLume
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