Check out our Tutoring Packages and Calendars below.
During checkout, fill out our tutoring intake form and let us know more about your learning needs.
One of our representatives will contact you within 24 hours and connect you with one of our 90th percentile scoring LSAT instructors. You may reschedule or cancel your appointments with at least 12 hours advance notice.
If you want to boost your LSAT Score and have the best opportunity for scholarships and admission to law schools in Canada, you will need guidance from an experienced LSAT tutor. At Upper Canada LSAT Prep, our Tutoring packages will help you achieve your professional dreams. We understand that knowing where to start and how to build the right skills for the LSAT most effectively can be overwhelming, and we will lead you to mastery of all the sections on the LSAT exam. We will curate the ideal study plan tailored specifically to you.
Upper Canada LSAT Prep is the registered tradename of 13513611 Canada Inc. (Upper Canada Institute of Education)
“LSAT®” and “LSAT Prep®” are registered trademarks belonging to LSAC.| HST 766356703RT0001
by BrandLume
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